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20 +Design and UI
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    Master Drone programming

    Embark on a journey into drone programming. Learn to code flight paths, integrate sensors for data collection, and implement autonomous flight algorithms. This course covers basics to advanced concepts, including safety protocols and real-world applications. Ideal for enthusiasts and aspiring drone technologists

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    Master Deep Learning


    Explore the world of Deep Learning with our comprehensive course. Dive into neural networks, understand backpropagation and gradient descent. Gain hands-on experience with TensorFlow and Keras, tackling real-world datasets. Perfect for beginners eager to master AI’s cutting-edge field

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    Web design course for beginners


    Don’t limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder” tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

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  • Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

    Complete SEO training

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

    This course, SEO Training: The Complete SEO Course for WordPress Websites is all about 50 SEO methods

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  • Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99.

    Complete WordPress Course

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99.

    Create an amazing website using WordPress and amazing theme Rehub. An amazing theme that contains a front end editor that makes creating websites easier and faster than ever before!

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    Blender design and study


    • Use Blender and understand it’s interface
    • Understand the principles of modelling
    • Create 3D models with simple colors
    • Learn the basics of animation
    • Create your own materials
    • UV map and unwrap your models
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  • Original price was: $623.00.Current price is: $321.00.

    Mobile App Development

    Original price was: $623.00.Current price is: $321.00.

    Find out how to program in Swift and utilise the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) and Apple developer tools (Xcode, debugger, analyzer and iOS Simulator) to create mobile apps which can be sold via the App Store.

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  • Original price was: $286.20.Current price is: $222.22.

    Human-Centered Design for Work at a Distance

    Original price was: $286.20.Current price is: $222.22.

    Gain a toolkit of visual maps based on design processes used by the digital media, game, arts, medical, and emerging technology sectors. And reflect, adapt and prototype actionable solutions to solve a variety of remote work challenges.

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    Master Drone programming

    Embark on a journey into drone programming. Learn to code flight paths, integrate sensors for data collection, and implement autonomous flight algorithms. This course covers basics to advanced concepts, including safety protocols and real-world applications. Ideal for enthusiasts and aspiring drone technologists

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    Master Deep Learning


    Explore the world of Deep Learning with our comprehensive course. Dive into neural networks, understand backpropagation and gradient descent. Gain hands-on experience with TensorFlow and Keras, tackling real-world datasets. Perfect for beginners eager to master AI’s cutting-edge field

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    Web design course for beginners


    Don’t limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder” tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.

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    Complete SEO training

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

    This course, SEO Training: The Complete SEO Course for WordPress Websites is all about 50 SEO methods

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    Complete WordPress Course

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99.

    Create an amazing website using WordPress and amazing theme Rehub. An amazing theme that contains a front end editor that makes creating websites easier and faster than ever before!

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    Blender design and study


    • Use Blender and understand it’s interface
    • Understand the principles of modelling
    • Create 3D models with simple colors
    • Learn the basics of animation
    • Create your own materials
    • UV map and unwrap your models
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    Mobile App Development

    Original price was: $623.00.Current price is: $321.00.

    Find out how to program in Swift and utilise the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) and Apple developer tools (Xcode, debugger, analyzer and iOS Simulator) to create mobile apps which can be sold via the App Store.

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    Human-Centered Design for Work at a Distance

    Original price was: $286.20.Current price is: $222.22.

    Gain a toolkit of visual maps based on design processes used by the digital media, game, arts, medical, and emerging technology sectors. And reflect, adapt and prototype actionable solutions to solve a variety of remote work challenges.

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